The strategic partnership "In living memory", coordinated by Lieux Fictifs and supported by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission, has started in September 2014 for two years.
"In living memory" gathers 4 non-formal artistic education operators (Lieux Fictifs, France; TransFORMAS, Spain; coopérativa sociale e.s.t.i.a., Italy; PhotoART Centrum, Slovakia), a University (Westerdals, Norway) and 3 archives holder structures (Institut National de l’Audiovisuel, France; Fondazione Cineteca Italiana, Italy; Institut Municipal de Museus de Reus, Spain) and is the extension of exchanges developed for several years between the partners. It aims at implementing an innovative creative and learning process, based on the creation of shared artworks between inmates and free learners, using archive footages from different countries, that would favour the development on an intercultural dialogue between these learners from different ages, cultures and social backgrounds.
This project also aims at creating methodological and educational tools around archives, thanks to experimenting methodologies during common educational and training sessions between European trainers and learners. All these tools will be disseminated to other professionals from the education field.
In France, the "In living memory" project will rely on the local education and creation project "ANIMA", questioning the issue of the body as a place for a living memory, from an exploration on archive footages issued from the partner collections.
A collective creation workshop about the use of archive footages in the arts takes place from November 2015 2 to 6 in Barcelona. This activity is about the use of archive footage in the arts led by Lieux Fictifs by directors Caroline Caccavale , Joseph Cesarini and choreographer Thierry Thieu Niang and led by TransFORMAS by the director Thomas Louvat.
The [bleu]first In living memory event[/bleu] took place [bleu]from 2015 October 13 to 15 in Milano[/bleu]: a day of conference about art in prison, evolutionnary processes using archive material as a tool education, training, creation and process of change for participants, organized by cooperativa sociale e.s.t.i.a. in Expo Milano 2015 on October 13,
two days of workshop test on the training pilote course proposed by "In living memory" teachers, artists and archivists, inside Milano-Bollate prison on October 14 and 15
a conference "Lost memories: cinema, education and new technologies - augmented realities and archive sources" organized by Fondazione Cineteca Italiana at the Museo Interrativo del Cinema on October 15
Free participation, but registration is necessary
The first project meeting took place in Lieux Fictifs office in La Friche La Belle de Mai, Marseille, from September 11th to 13th 2014.
The first educational and training session took place in Oslo from September 22nd to 25th, gathering Norwegian students and Italian, Norwegian and Slovak teachers, trainers and archivists, who worked together in creating short films using archive collections from the Fondazione Cineteca Italiana and PhotoART Centrum.
Lieux Fictifs hosted three workshops in Marseille with European learners, artist trainers and archivists: from November 24th to 28th 2014, the French and Slovak artists trainers worked with French inmate learners and students from the amateur Slovak archives from PhotoART Centrum collection,
from March 9th to 13th 2015, the French and Norwegian artist trainers/teachers, as well as the Italian archivists, worked with the inmate learners, French and Norwegian students inside the prison of Marseille
from June 1st to 5th 2015, the Italian artists trainers from e.s.t.i.a. and French one from Lieux Fictifs worked with inmate learners and participants from the "outside" group of the "Anima" project, on the body language in relationship with archive images.
These workshops permitted to experiment learning and teaching methodologies using archives footages as a creation material.
Workshop with e.s.t.i.a. team in Marseille’s prison, June 2015
The second transnational project meeting took place in Reus from April 13th to 15th 2015, inside the CIMIR, Centre For Image of Reus city council (Spain). It permitted partners to share the first results of the transnational learning and teaching workshops, and to prepare the next steps for the implementation of the methodological guide, the training pilote course and the common evaluation tool for the impact of the project on learners.
A new workshop took place in Kosice from May 11th to 15th: artists trainers from TransFORMAS and archivist from CIMIR proposed a learning and creative workshop around Spanish amateur archives to Slovak inmates and students.
On December 15th 2015 took place [bleu]the first day of studies on collaborative artistic practices based on archives[/bleu] in the frame of the In living memory’s research-creation program with the presence of artistic structures such as Lieux Fictifs (France), TransFORMAS (Spain) and E.s.t.i.a. (Italy).
The research – creation program of In living memory has been the focus of this study day which focused on the relationships that can be established between art, prison and society and the social role that can have artistic creation.
Project participants then reported on the use of archives in their education activities on the image and artistic creations with the following objectives to redefine the tools and methods that have been developed to accompany the different creative processes and to develop a guide about educational art practices in closed environments.
Download the program of the day of studies
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Project coordinator : Lieux Fictifs, France
Partners :
- TransFORMAS, Spain
- Coopérativa sociale e.s.t.i.a., Italy
- Westerdals - Oslo School of Art, Communication and Technology, Norway
- PhotoART Centrum, Slovakia
- Institut National de l’Audiovisuel, France
- Fondazione Cineteca Italiana, Italy
- Institut Municipal de Museus de Reus, Spain