In 2005, Lieux Fictifs took part to a research on informal education in prison through artistic experience, in the frame of the Lifelong learning programme Grundtvig, from the European Commission. This research was conducted with transFORMAS at the Cuatro Camins prison in Barcelona, ant the Società Umanitaria (associated to E.s.t.i.a.) at the Milan-Bollate prison. This research led to the “Teatrodentro” training supported by the European Grundtvig programme.
At the same time, from October 2007 to July 2009, we developed with our Italian and Spanish partners two learning partnerships from the European lifelong learning Grundtvig programme, based on exchanges of practices, including new partners : the Alzhar company (Marseille), Westerdals School of Communication (Oslo, Norway), Unter Wasser Fliegen (Wuppertal, Germany) and E.s.t.i.a. cooperative sociale (Milan, Italy). One of these partnerships led to an exchange of videos between learners from the French, Italian and Norwegians partners, and the creation of an artwork : “Video-letters”.
These two years of exchanges represented for us a preparatory step for the production of a European project of creation, transmission and cooperation between prison and society, through the artistic experience : “BORDERS, inside/outside”. This project, initiated by Lieux Fictifs, and being developed from 2009 to 2013, is part of “Marseille-Provence 2013, European capital of culture”.
This project is constructed around three lines of cooperation. the circulation in Europe of artistic creations made with prisoners (transmission of these artworks inside-outside : in the prisons and in the European cities), and a reflection on the dialogue between art, prison and society through the “Border” notion, that has been shared at the European level with the organization of a European conference on artistic creation with prisoners and offenders in June 2013 In Marseille.
the production in Europe of a shared creation project, in which artists are associated to several groups of participants, inside and outside (in the prison and in the society), to make short films from archives footages from the Institut National de l’Audiovisuel (Audiovisual French National Institute). This line, « Images en mémoire, images en miroir », (Memory images, mirror images) has been developed through shared creation workshops composed of prisoners and groups from « outside », in France, Europe and Mediterranea.
the creation in France of a film installation, from the play “Dans la solitude des champs de coton” by Bernard-Marie Koltès. This installation, directed by Caroline Caccavale and Joseph Césarini, is performed by 27 persons, prisoners from Marseille prison and inhabitants from Marseille city. Dramaturgy and direction of actors : Jeanne Poitevin and Maxime Carasso – Choreography : Thierry Thieû Niang. This film installation come along with a sound documentary, demonstrating this shared creation process.
The « Border » notion has been questioned through theatre, film, visual arts, but also through a relationship to memory, History, archives, in a double work dynamic : workshops in prisons, and workshops in cities.
In order to deepen our exchanges of practices, two European Grundtvig learning partnerships have been conducted from 2009 to 2011 : The partnership "Education, cinema and archives" gathered Lieux Fictifs, the Institut National de l’Audiovisuel (France), the Cooperativa sociale E.s.t.i.a. (Italy), Finmatun (Spain), Unter Wasser Fliegen (Germany) and Westerdals School of Communication (Norway) ;
The partnership "Education, theatre and visual arts" gathered Lieux Fictifs, the Alzhar Company (France), the cultural association E.s.t.i.a. (Italy), TRANSFormas (Spain) and Unter Wasser Fliegen (Germany).
They have been continued from 2011 to 2013 with two others Grundtvig learning partnerships : The partnership « Archival footage, an educational, creative and employing device »
The partnership « Education, creation in prison »
In 2014, a new Grundtvig learning partnership will strengthen this cooperation: "Culture in prison: an educational, training and employing device".