25th – 27th June 2013 – Friche La Belle de Mai (Marseille)
The conference gathered 400 European professionals. Download the CONFERENCE REPORT (in French) and the PARTICIPANTS LIST.
This conference puts the issue of artistic creation with offenders and prisoners, at the heart of the society, to favour a dialogue between the “inside” and the “outside”. It relies on the different experiences of shared creations made by the European partners (Italy, Spain, Norway, Germany, Slovakia and France) of the project BORDERS inside/outside from 2009, which are working for the implementation of a dialogue between art, prison and society.
The BORDERS inside/outside project is part of the “Marseille-Provence 2013, European capital of culture” programme.
This conference is directed to European professionals from education, culture, justice and social fields.
It will be composed of round tables that will come along with a programming of films made in Europe with prisoners.
This conference is enlisted in the European Commission´s Comenius-Grundtvig Training Database, with the number FR-2013-425-001
Applicants can therefore apply for grants to cover the travel cost, accommodation and conference fees. Applicants have to live or work in an EU country beside France or in other Grundtvig Programme countries.
Applicants can request a grant from their National Agency.
Link to National Agencies website
Please contact your national agency to check the deadline to submit your application.
You can find more information in the European Commission´s Comenius-Grundtvig Training Database page dedicated to the conference.
And in the pre-programme of the conference.
If you are interested to participate to this conference, please fill in the pre-registration form and return it by e-mail at sophie@lieuxfictifs.org or by fax : +33 (0)4 91 11 04 72.
Download pre-registration form
Sophie DOMINIQUE : sophie@lieuxfictifs.org
Tel : +33 (0)4 95 04 96 37